Union is Strength Story United We stand

Union is Strength Story United We stand

Once upon a time a farmer lived in a village. He had four sons. Farmer was near to die so he was very worried about His sons because they always used to  quarreled with one and each others. Farmer thought how he can united among themselves.
Other Names of This story
farmer and his four sons story,union is strength story in english for 1st year,united we stand divided we fall essay,union is streangth essay,union is streangth story.

The Farmer was very wise so he hit upon a plan
One day he gathered  his sons and ordered them that they go to forest and bring some  wooden  sticks. They all go to forest and everyone take some sticks and came back home.
 When they all came back to home the farmer asked them to combine the sticks and make the bundle.
When they  make the bundle farmer asked them to break the bundle of sticks. They  all tried one by one but no one can break the bundle. Then farmer ordered them to untie the bundle and try to single sticks.They untie the bundle and break the sticks very easily.
The farmer was very happy so he advised to his  sons"if you will stay united like bundle of stick no one can harm you but if you will fight with each others and  will not stay  united, your enemy can  harm you very easily just like these sticks".
They understand the father’s advice and  promised that they will always stay united..


                Union is strength


Union is Strength Story united we stand.farmer and his four sons story,union is strength story in english for 1st year,united we stand divided we fall essay,union is streangth essay,union is streangth story.

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