If no one buys your books, can you still make money as a writer?

When you pick up a book  for the first time, see your name on the cover, see the publisher's imprint on the copyright page, have its own ISBN, get it reviewed on Amazon... . 

Your writing career begins. You'll sell hundreds of thousands of copies, you'll be  on all the talk shows, there will be a bidding war for the movie rights. Well, not always. In fact, almost none. The truth is that publishing a book, especially a new book, is very difficult, especially if you follow the traditional route. There are very few publishers who publish only a few books each year, and there are many competitors vying for those places. Not only do you need to be talented, you also need to have passion, courage, motivation and enthusiasm and  be able to handle rejection. If all goes well and you get published, there's nothing more exciting than seeing your book, your kids, the project you've been working on for  two years (or seven, or 10) published.

 You see, luck is the key to everything we do. If you have these and everything, it will take you to the top. Without it, your  novel may or may not sell well, and it won't do that either. If you get an advance but can't make a profit on the advance (sell enough copies to repay the money), you probably won't be able to get another book from the same publisher. Then you start over and try to find another advertiser, maybe even another agent. I'm specifically talking  about traditional advertising here. 

Of course, there are other options: personal advertising, small media, hybrid advertising. But ultimately, no matter which path we choose, we want people to read and sell our work.

Power Of Education

Education isthe basis of human progress and social harmony. It has the power to changelives and communities, open doors of opportunity and shape the future.Education, whether formal or informal, traditional or digital, is a human rightthat enables people to realize their potential and contribute to society.


Here are some ways education changes lives and communities:Economic Empowerment: Education can give people the skills and knowledge to succeed in the workplace and achieve financial independence. It can lead to more gainful employment, entrepreneurship, and financial security for individuals and their families. Additionally, education can help stimulate the economy by creating skilled workers and encouraging innovation and entrepreneurship.

Social Mobility: Learning has the ability to engage in competitive gaming by providing opportunities for social interaction. It helps people overcome health and economic challenges and enables them to follow their dreams and aspirations. Education can also promote social cohesion and reduce inequality by bringing people from different backgrounds together and fostering a sense of community.

Personal Development: Education can provide people with opportunities for personal growth and development. It helps people develop positive thinking, enhance creativity, and improve communication and interpersonal skills. Education also fosters a love of lifelong learning, encouraging people to continue their education and pursue their passions.

Participation in Society: Education enables people to become active and engaged citizens, participate in democracy and contribute to their communities. It helps people understand their rights and responsibilities and enables them to make informed decisions on issues that affect their lives and communities. Education also promotes justice and human rights, empowering people to advocate for a better world.

Global Citizenship: Education can promote global understanding and cooperation and help people appreciate and respect different cultures and perspectives. It helps people become responsible and ethical citizens of the world by working together to solve global problems such as climate change, poverty and inequality. Education also promotes peace and harmony and contributes to understanding and understanding between different communities.

Education is a powerful tool for positive change. Education can transform lives and communities by giving people the knowledge and skills they need to succeed in life, creating a more just and just world. As Nelson Mandela once said: "Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world."